Le Platane

Le Platane

_____________________________________________ Lafrançaise __

Madame Horff (cimg4494_300.jpg)

The owner, Christine Horf, would like to welcome you to her charming manor house.

In 1999 she decided to share the enjoyment of living in this beautiful, old, red-brick house with guests from all over the world.

Located 3 Km from Lafrancaise in Tarn et Garonne, the 17-acre property offers a comfortable and relaxing stay, and a chance to enjoy the park with its pool and two lakes.

Maison LePlatane (cimg0329_250.jpg)

The villa is recommended by Gites de France which has awarded it ‘three ears or corn’. gites-de-france logo
charmance logo

leave-green16r.png Téléphone: (0033) - (0)5 63 65 92 18 leave-green16r.png Portable: (0033) - (0)6 85 22 15 77 leave-green16r.png E-mail: le_platane@orange.fr